About Deanna Rossi
Entrepreneur, author, philanthropisT, Speaker, mom, & wife
Author, Deanna Rossi, wrote No Justificuses talk-to-text while in a dark room recovering from an occipital stroke that left her partially blind at just 43 years old. Her No Justificuses mentality is infectious as she encourages readers to overcome their own adversities. Her personal stories and anecdotes will not only entertain you, but you will find her no-nonsense approach to life, parenting, business, and relationships refreshing. Deanna will share how as a single mom she came to believe that balance is bullshit, that cowards send emails, yet on the other side of uncomfortable is everything you ever wanted. Be inspired to elevate yourself and celebrate your challenges. It’s time to wake up, suck it up, and grow up! It’s time to be the version of you that you always knew you were meant to be.
Justifications + Excuses = Justificuses
Aka: Just another F*@%ing Excuse


"After knowing Deanna for 2 decades, and personally watching her go through many of the experiences described in her book, I can say she is battle tested and qualified to give orders and instruction. It’s rare to see someone with such strength and a huge loving heart. I recommend this book for anyone stuck in life that needs the extra push to get them back on track!!"

Jeff Levitan
CEO All For One Foundation
" In a world filled with weak leadership that passes the buck, never ending daisy-cakes who need a safe space to "survive". Deanna's own story and no nonsense approach to leadership is both needed and refreshing! This book is full of GREAT leadership insight, from the Donkey in the Well, to the Oreo Cookie Method, and written in a great conversational style. She shares troves of wisdom in both attitude and action that boils down to teaching the reader how to stop justifying why, to stop bleating out excuses and just take responsibility and become the kind of leader this world needs, now more than ever."

Frank Schoen
Executive Marketing Director, WFG

"I’ve known Deanna for over 20 years as a business partner and friend, and I can describe both her and this book in one word… awesome! Her storytelling lets you learn the concepts in a way that doesn’t feel like you’re learning something new at all! You’re just going along for the ride and absorbing the information as if through osmosis. Before you know it, you’re done with the book and wishing you weren’t! A must read at any age, any stage of life, any profession."

Mike Boccia
Founder & CEO
iDecide Interactive

What everyone needs to hear, a powerful story of a women who preservers, and doesn't give herself excuses... Something that we all need in whatever we do in life... just keep going forward and make it happen. So many great examples off what a person can do when they put their mind to it and do fill themselves up with excuses. Great book!!!

Kandi Kauffman
Marketing Director, WFG

This book is a must read. I couldn't put it down. So many powerful principles in every chapter. It changed my mindset forever!! It would be a great gift for your business partners that want to move their
business to the next level.

Tonya Michalowski
Marketing Director, WFG

We all have our excuses.
We all have made justifications of why you did or did not do something you should have done.
WE ALL want more and desire God's best in our life.
Then why doesn't everyone have all their dreams and wishes come true?
The answer is in this wonderful, golden nugget-filled book that cuts you down to the core.
This is a true no-nonsense approach to getting everything you ever wanted in life. And Deanna nails it in this work of art. A short, to-the-point, easy read that will not only inspire you to do more, be more, and live your best life yet.
So if you want more out of life and you desire to become everything you were made to be, then you must read this book and stop all Justificuses!
In my humble opinion, this book is now surely in my Top 10 all-time great works of art that will truly make a difference, one person at a time!

Sean Ragland
Financial Fitness Directors, FinFit Life