Make your money work harder for you
so you don't have to work so hard for your money.
-Deanna Rossi-
The Gift of Money
Did you ever want to know how to make money work harder for you so you don't have to work so hard for your money? Did you ever wish you understood how money actually works? Have you ever wondered what type of investment, life insurance, or financial strategy would be the best fit for your family? Have you ever felt like you just don't understand when people talk about money?
The Gift of Money is a simple and easy to read book that discusses basic money concepts. The author, Deanna Rossi, reveals in each chapter a Gift of Money. Each Gift is a concept that the author and her team of professionals teach to clients to help improve their financial knowledge. Deanna has spent nearly two decades in the financial industry and has developed a simple way of using stories to explain complex financial concepts and make them simple and easy to understand.
I am so very proud of Deanna Marchionda for completing her endeavors to get this book, The Gift of Money, from a thought to a successfully achieved reality! People do readily open up about their health ‘problems’ and are likely to seek treatment from a doctor. Yet with finances and money problems, most individuals feel helpless and never seek true professional advice, from the RIGHT professional- to treat and manage the symptoms of this generational disease! I see this book as a wonderful blessing and tool that will allow individuals and families to open up productive communication and implement a financial treatment plan that is right for them. Perhaps after reading this book you too can identify your financial pains and ‘problems’ and use your new understanding of the financial concepts that she has shared here—in a very understandable way, mind you! This book is an invaluable asset! I too have had a paradigm shift just from the presentation and layout of the information, concepts and stories. I am grateful to have Deanna as my mentor and friend!
Jessica Popio
Real Estate Investor
Everything you need to know!
This is a GREAT read to get just about every concept of money the average person needs to (and usually does not) understand. Its written in an laid back and easy to digest style on a topic that otherwise might seem aloof and complicated. I highly recommend this book!
Frank Schoen
Executive Marketing Director, WFG
As a 22 year veteran in the financial services industry, I believe this book is a must read for all.
Especially if you want simple to understand concepts that will walk you through how to grow and protect your wealth for generations to come. This is a must for all who want clarity and a further understanding of why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
You simply can not afford to not read this book! Once you read it once, you will want to pass it on to your future generations so that they can create generational wealth. Money is a gift and what you do with it is your responsibility to perpetuate it.
Bottom line this book is truly a gift.
Sean Ragland
Financial Fitness Directors, FinFit Life